5am Club!
Morning routine for me has always been a struggle what can I say I love my sleep! The problem with this is I would rarely have enough time to get everything I needed done in the day before switching off a night!
Running your own business is amazing don’t get me wrong but there is a lot of hard work behind the scenes. I won’t bore you with a list of my daily activities but trying to do that, keep fit, drink enough water, and have a social life is hard work! I applaud all the people that have done this and raised kids! Go you guys! So instead of moaning that I hadn’t got everything done I planned that day I decided to wake up at 5am!
5 am! The only time I would ever get up that early is if I knew I would be flying out on a plane to somewhere hot and I only had to count down the hours till that nap you would have after a day of sunbathing and cocktails! oh gosh that’s made me need a holiday soon! Other than that, I would be up 8/9am, but here we are a week in on 5 am wake ups!
The first few days I really thought would be the hardest because I was still going to bed late meaning I wasn’t getting my full 8 hours, but now I’ve got myself into a routine where the 5 am wake ups really aren’t that bad and there’s something amazing about being awake whilst everyone’s still asleep. No noise, no discretions just myself and my laptop! I’ve also seen that if I’m up early and especially when I’ve ticked a few things off my to do list in the morning I’m super productive for the rest of the day! Also, if I’ve finished most of my work in the morning, I can then work towards other things during the day like teaching myself something new or reading up on other software etc.
5am wake ups would never of even thought about this until I started reading and watch Dr Clare Le Roy blogs (if you’re looking to become an interior designer i highly recommend her). She really helped with my journey to becoming a successful interior designer.
So let’s talk a bit more about my morning what could I possibly do with the extra 3-4 hours I now have? Really it just meant I could take more time when writing blogs, doing my Instagram posts and even things like not rushing at the gym because now my days aren’t planned back-to-back, I have more time to maybe add in that extra set on my legs or arms, it may even be the smallest things like not rushing when putting on my makeup! I usually fit in my emails in the morning to and read through things I’ve saved the day before that I didn’t have time to research on.
Overall though, the more time in the morning now allows me extra time to work on projects from clients and I’m not distracted on all the other little things like emails, social media and so on. It’s also given me extra time in the evening to meet up with friends to chat or even date night!
Why not give it a go and tell me how you feel! Although I’m a week in and I think it’s successfully helping me, it’s not for everyone. Some people find it easier to work later in the evenings once the children are down or because this is when their brain is more engaged and creative. It’s all about finding the right time for you!
Hope you enjoyed this blog and maybe it’s helped you look into 5 am mornings a bit different! Thank you for taking the time to read it!
Jess x
If you don’t already follow my social media platforms where I post weekly tips about interior design!