Now that Christmas is approaching, I thought I would tell you a few things I do when designing my Christmas tree! When choosing my Christmas tree I ALWAYS go for an artificial tree, let me explain to you why!

I know people might think this way isn’t very eco-friendly, well here is were I would argue my point to it is! Unless you grow your own tree every year and re plant it, buying an artificial tree is more sustainable as you can reuse it up to 10 years and if you wanted a change and its well looked after you can donate it to charity for a new home! Whilst a natural tree you throw away after use. So not only are they more sustainable they are cost effective too!

Moving on to my next point of STAY AWAY FROM TRENDS, I must say this over and over again (haha)! When buying a Christmas tree that you want to use for a long time, always stick to the natural look. You can never go wrong with a traditional tree, and everything suits it. When buying maybe a white tree it may be what you want for this year but next year you may not like it anymore!


Christmas lights!

Once my tree has been brought, set it up and finally fluffed, I would then typically move onto to lighting. Simply because once your baubles are on it’s such a hard process to put your lights on next. Trust me I’ve been there and it’s not fun, let my mistake be your win!

Now typically they say to have at least 100 bulbs per 1ft of tree, I’ve worked from this rule and must say it seems the right amount to me! Once your lights are plugged in ideally work from there. So if its plugged at the bottom start there then work up then if its plugged in at the top work down.

Have fun when adding your lights, keep tweaking and weaving till your happy with the final outcome remember you’re the one that will notice the imperfections the most!


Pick a theme! When picking a theme for your tree you’re creating something that will look more meaningful and less chaotic! This doesn’t mean there can’t be lots of colours on your tree go crazy with colours but if you’re going to do this stick to a more plan lighting option! 

Begin with the larger baubles at the bottom and work up to medium for the middle and small for the top. Remember to evenly place your baubles and add some symmetry, especially if you have 3 – 4 different colours

Lastly don’t forget to add different textures! This adds that interest we all love!

The same with lights, make sure to keep tweaking until you’re happy with the end result

Picks and sprays

There are lots of different picks are sprays out there find the ones that compliment your baubles and style of tree. You can also cre

ate your own if you headover to my Instagram I will be posting how you can do this in the weeks leading up to Christmas

Finally, tree skirts

This is the perfect finish to a tree, no more ugly stands a nice basket (my favourite) or a piece of fabric is just what every Christmas tree needs to finish it off.


Want to create a cosy Christmas feel?


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